Bring them together and join them to make one piece of semiconductor which is doped differently either side of the junction. Hence the region is called as depletion region. Semiconductor Pn Junction Diode Working P N Diode Vi How Do Pn Junction Diodes Work Quora How Do Pn Junction Diodes Work Quora This creates what is called the depletion zone. Pn junction diode works . A pn junction diode is a two terminal single crystal semiconductor device whose one side is doped with acceptors and other side by donors. Thus a pn junction is formed in diode. A pn junction is the simplest form of the semiconductor diode. Developed under teaching innovation project 11 293 of universidad de granada spain creative commons by noncommercial nonderivs. The formation of pn junction in a single crystal. All the themes in the soundtrack. Pn junction d...